class DeviceOption(enum.Enum)
Info | Value |
Package | mvnc |
Module | mvncapi |
Version | 2.0 |
See also | Device, Device.set_option(), Device.get_option() |
DeviceOption is an enumeration that defines Device options that can be read with Device.get_option() or set with Device.set_option().
Option | Option Type | Possible Values | Description |
RO_THERMAL_STATS | numpy.ndarray of floats | Any | Device temperatures in degrees Celsius. These are the maximum temperatures for the last THERMAL_BUFFER_SIZE (global variable) seconds. |
RO_THERMAL_THROTTLING_LEVEL | int | 0, 1, 2 | 0: No limit reached 1: Lower guard temperature threshold of chip sensor reached; short throttling time is in action between inferences to protect the device. 2: Upper guard temperature of chip sensor reached; long throttling time is in action between inferences to protect the device. |
RO_DEVICE_STATE | int | Values in the DeviceState enumeration | The current state of the Device. |
RO_CURRENT_MEMORY_USED | int | Unbounded positive int | The current memory in use on the device in bytes. This value divided by RO_MEMORY_SIZE is the percent of memory in use. |
RO_MEMORY_SIZE | int | Unbounded positive int | The total memory available on the device in bytes. |
RO_MAX_FIFO_NUM | int | Unbounded positive int | The maximum number of Fifos that can be allocated for the device. |
RO_ALLOCATED_FIFO_NUM | int | Unbounded positive int | The number of Fifos currently allocated for the device. |
RO_MAX_GRAPH_NUM | int | Unbounded positive int | The maximum number of Graphs that can be allocated for the device. |
RO_ALLOCATED_GRAPH_NUM | int | Unbounded positive int | The number of Graphs currently allocated for the device. |
RO_CLASS_LIMIT | int | Unbounded positive int | The highest option class supported. |
RO_FW_VERSION | numpy.ndarray of 4 unsigned ints | [major, minor, hardware type, build number] | The version of the firmware currently running on the device. |
RO_DEBUG_INFO | str | Debug info string | Not yet implemented. More detailed debug info when the result of a function call was Status.MYRIAD_ERROR. |
RO_MVTENSOR_VERSION | numpy.ndarray of 2 unsigned ints | [major, minor] | The version of the mvtensor library that was linked with the API. |
RO_DEVICE_NAME | str | Device name string | The internal name of the device. |
RO_MAX_EXECUTORS_NUM | int | Unbounded positive int | Maximum number of executor threads supported on the device. The graph option RW_EXECUTORS_NUM should not exceed this maximum value. |
RO_HW_VERSION | int | Values in the DeviceHwVersion enumeration | The hardware version of the device. |
- Options prefixed with ‘RW’ have read/write permission and are both gettable and settable.
- Options prefixed with ‘RO’ have read-only permission and are only gettable.