class FifoDataType(enum.Enum)

Info Value
Package mvnc
Module mvncapi
Version 2.0
See also Fifo, FifoOption, Fifo.get_option(), Fifo.set_option()

FifoDataType is an enumeration that defines Fifo data types, which can be read with Fifo.get_option() or set with Fifo.set_option() or Graph.allocate_with_fifos().

The default data type is FP32. If the input Fifo’s FifoDataType is configured to FP32, the API will convert the data to the FP16 data type automatically when performing inferences. If the output Fifo’s FifoDataType is configured to 32FP, the API will convert the output back to the FP32 data type.

Enumeration Member Description
FP16 The data is in half precision (16 bit) floating point format (FP16).
FP32 The data is in full precision (32 bit) floating point format (FP32).

This is the C float type for many compilers and computer architectures.