TensorFlow Support
TensorFlow* is a deep learning framework pioneered by Google. The Intel® Movidius™ Neural Compute SDK (Intel® Movidius™ NCSDK) introduced TensorFlow support with the NCSDK v1.09.xx release. TensorFlow validation for each release happens on the TensorFlow version noted in the release notes.
Default installation location: /opt/movidius/tensorflow
TensorFlow Model Zoo
TensorFlow has a GitHub repository for models at https://github.com/tensorflow/models. It contains several models that are maintained by the respective authors.
Compiling TensorFlow Networks
- If you are compiling a model from the TensorFlow Model Zoo for use with the NCSDK and Neural Compute API, follow the Guidance for Compiling TensorFlow™ Model Zoo Networks.
- If you are compiling a TensorFlow-Slim network for use with the NCSDK and Neural Compute API, follow the Guidance for Compiling TensorFlow-Slim Networks.
- If you are otherwise training your own TensorFlow network model for use with the NCSDK and Neural Compute API, follow the Guidance for Compiling TensorFlow Networks.
Supported Networks
- Inception v1
- Inception v2
- Inception v3
- Inception v4
- Inception ResNet v2
- MobileNet_v1_1.0 variants:
- MobileNet_v1_1.0_224
- MobileNet_v1_1.0_192
- MobileNet_v1_1.0_160
- MobileNet_v1_1.0_128
- MobileNet_v1_0.75_224
- MobileNet_v1_0.75_192
- MobileNet_v1_0.75_160
- MobileNet_v1_0.75_128
- MobileNet_v1_0.5_224
- MobileNet_v1_0.5_192
- MobileNet_v1_0.5_160
- MobileNet_v1_0.5_128
- MobileNet_v1_0.25_224
- MobileNet_v1_0.25_192
- MobileNet_v1_0.25_160
- MobileNet_v1_0.25_128
See release notes for supported networks for a particular release.